
Business Taxes
Start Preparing
2020 has been a “wild ride” to say the least and it’s not over!  Our resilience during this particularly difficult year is a testament to the human spirit!  If you’re a business owner, as I am, you may have different planning needs as we close out this very unusual year and plan for 2021. Consider...
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Tax calculate
The US Congress and President Trump have passed the largest tax reform legislation in over three decades. However, the bill, which will affect most taxpayers, will not affect taxes for 2017- it will be effective for taxes filed for 2018. For those wondering what the bill is all about, below is a summary of the major...
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Taxation support
When starting a business there are usually many questions swirling through an entrepreneur’s mind. How will I find customers? Am I crazy for doing this? Where will I find funding? The excitement and eagerness to get started doing something you love can be intoxicating. However, when starting a business there are additional considerations and questions...
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