Whether it’s the new school year for your kids or expanding your own career plans, the fall of the year moves our thoughts toward learning something new.

Most Americans start education programs and plans in the fall from Pre-school through adulthood. Education conferences are attended more often in the fall of the year than at any other time of the year. Employers schedule performance evaluations in the early fall, and you may be considering classes to achieve your performance goals. That makes the fall the perfect time to discuss funding for long and short-term education plans with Accolade Accounting.

At Accolade, we establish education tax deduction programs like 529 plans and other education plans that fit your career goals and your kids’ college goals! With the astronomical cost of education, people most often think of loans as the primary source of education funding. Loans are a common option, but why get a loan when you can create a program to fund your education yourself! Finding the right tax-saving program can keep the cost as low as possible. If you decide on a loan or supplemental loan for education, I’m a loan expert. During the COVID shutdown, I advanced MY OWN education to become a PPP – Paycheck Protection Program Loan expert. I know loans!

As you close out your personal or professional year, I want to review your education goals with you and prepare for the changes in taxation plans that could give you an “edge” for next year. Don’t forget, this year’s PPP business loan program is forgivable under specific guidelines that have changed during the year.

Time is running out! To grow the most toward your existing goals or create new ones, Schedule your appointment NOW to take advantage of tax opportunities to achieve your goals and make the adjustments needed to maximize your tax benefits.

JD Longino, CPA