
Have you heard of the Dirty Dozen? Well if not, it is a list of the most popular tax schemes for the year 2021 that was compiled by the IRS. Tax schemes include phishing, fake charities, social media scams and offshore accounting. The list keeps growing and the schemes get more complicated every year. Tax...
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Meeting Discussion Tax Deductions
Every business should want to lessen its tax liability. In doing so, your business will be able to reduce the amount of taxes you pay back to the government each year.    
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Bitcoin Tax Forms
Everywhere you turn, people are talking about the ups and downs of various stocks, mutual funds, and cryptocurrencies.    
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Beach House For Retirement
Traditional, Roth, SEP, IRA; so many terms, types and forms can have you turned upside down in no time. But quiver not as I have the key that will decipher the jargon and give you a crystal-clear understanding.
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Payroll Taxes 2020
2020 was a year of many changes to include the redesigned Form W-4 to figure employee withholdings.
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2021 Tax Law Changes
Looking for Tax Opportunities for 2021? We’ve read the tax changes for 2021 and highlighted a few that will impact most people.
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Happy Holidays
My kids are excited as they are every year. The gift lists are complete and, shopping online is the ONLY way to handle the holidays in the future!
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529 Education Savings
Whether it’s the new school year for your kids or expanding your own career plans, the fall of the year moves our thoughts toward learning something new. Most Americans start education programs and plans in the fall from Pre-school through adulthood. Education conferences are attended more often in the fall of the year than at...
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Tax planning
Taking the time to plan for short-term or long-term goals such as retirement is an investment that will ALWAYS pay off. Unfortunately, your goals can be impacted by multiple factors that can make accomplishing them more difficult even when times are not challenging. Following these three simple steps below can make achieving your big, amazing...
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Tax calculate
The US Congress and President Trump have passed the largest tax reform legislation in over three decades. However, the bill, which will affect most taxpayers, will not affect taxes for 2017- it will be effective for taxes filed for 2018. For those wondering what the bill is all about, below is a summary of the major...
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