
Real Estate
Flip Smarter Tax Strategies from a Real Estate CPA
Flipping properties comes with tax challenges that can affect your profits. In this blog, the real estate CPAs at Accolade Accounting share practical advice to help you make the most of your investments. Whether you’re new to flipping or refining your strategy, these tips can help you flip smarter and keep more of your earnings.
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Multifamily Real Estate Investments: Maximizing Tax Benefits
Explore the tax benefits of multifamily real estate investments. Understand key strategies like depreciation, cost segregation, and capital gains handling. Learn how multifamily properties can provide stable cash flow and potential tax savings. Dive into our comprehensive guide to make informed investment decisions.
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Landlords Guide to Rental Property Tax hero
Congratulations on taking the plunge into the world of real estate investment! As a landlord, understanding the ins and outs of rental property accounting is crucial for ensuring the financial success of your investment.
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Legal Considerations for Real Estate Investing and Property Management
Investing in real estate is a great way to grow your portfolio, as the value of land continues to appreciate over time. However, buying property can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to the real estate sector. Before making any major financial decisions, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the legal documents and issues involved...
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Real Estate Tax Accountant
Real Estate Agent and CPA? On the surface, these are not two professions one would automatically associate as working together but trust me when I say; there is no more substantial and necessary duo for business success. Believe it or not, a great CPA is the sidekick to a great Real Estate  
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