Many startup founders still view hiring an accountant as an unnecessary expense. In reality, the benefits of hiring an accountant exceed the costs. Accounting is difficult. If you try to manage business finance yourself, you will likely make a grave error that can invite legal trouble for your startup and affect its financial health.

An accountant can help you manage your books in the prescribed manner, giving you an accurate picture of your business. They can also assist you in ensuring regulatory compliance and taking care of daily accounting tasks, allowing your employees to focus on their most important tasks.

Here are some compelling reasons to hire an accountant for your startup.

They can Help Ensure Tax Compliance

Tax laws are tricky. They are also revised constantly. As a result, amateurs are highly likely to interpret tax laws erroneously. A compliance error can trigger an audit or an IRS notice. The last thing you need is for your startup to run into legal trouble.

Accountants stay up-to-date with tax laws and can help businesses navigate them. In addition, your accountant can assist you in identifying tax deductions that you weren’t previously aware of and strategize accordingly to make the most of them when preparing and filing your tax returns.

Better Financial Planning

Experienced accountants can turn raw data into actionable insights. For example, they can generate different financial reports that provide important business information that startup owners need to build a strategic plan.

Your accountant can analyze past business records to help you determine the best time to buy inventory and budget for big-ticket investments. An effective buying and investment strategy is key to gaining a competitive advantage.

Improved Cash Flow From Operating Activities

Many startups fail due to cash flow problems. Your accountant can accurately track all incoming business payments and create cash flow forecasts to prevent problems. In addition, they can assist you in identifying areas where your startup is overspending and develop a plan to reduce expenses.

Technical and Manual Errors are Less Likely to Occur

Accountants have amassed a wealth of knowledge. They have spent years studying accounting principles and techniques and are less error-prone. However, when it comes to maintaining financial records, every detail matters. With their trained eyes, an accountant can notice minute but important details that amateurs often miss.

Manual accounting systems are fraught with challenges. An accounting system that relies heavily on human operators can get overwhelmed with accounting data. Accounting firms use accounting software that automates accounting processes. These systems can process large data sets. They aren’t overdependent on human operators and can prevent manual data entry and other errors.

Accolade Accounting

Accolade Accounting is a leading accounting firm in Atlanta, GA. Our team comprises accountants for tech startups. Our accountants have an unparalleled ability to tailor accounting solutions to our client’s needs. To make an appointment with an accountant for tech companies, call 470-646-2663.


Until next time my friends,


JD Longino, CPA
