I LOVE food and would consider myself a foodie of sorts, as I enjoy a diverse selection of fare. My favorite food, hands down would have to be ice cream. I kid you not, I literally eat ice cream all the time as it is my go-to food for any occasion. Don’t get me started on Jeni’s Ice Cream or Baskin Robbins, as I could literally eat any flavor of their ice cream every day, all day.

But I digress…

Mix Of Ice Cream In A Cup


Well, there is a new ice cream flavor I cannot wait to try. It’s made by a brand whom we have all come to know and love; especially when you factor in their quirky names. Guys, it’s Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and they have done it again! The ice cream giant has just launched an enticingly new flavor called Change the Whirled, but what makes this flavor uniquely different is that it is a collaboration with Colin Kaepernick.

This sweet treat boasts a non-dairy, caramel-vegan flavor with fudge chips, graham cracker and chocolate cookies. Now me being a self-proclaimed, professional ice cream aficionado; this definitely sounds like it’s worth a try.

Intriguingly enough, what makes this sweet treat even more delectable, is the message that comes with this particular partnership. It is the consistent theme and spotlight on the egregious and systemic oppression faced by black and brown individuals today, as well as the protesting of racism, white supremacy and police violence. Proceeds from Kaepernick’s’ share will go to his foundation, ‘Know Your Rights Camp’ and in a move of solidarity, Ben and Jerry’s will match those proceeds to the foundation as well.


Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere


Keeping this type of social injustice at the forefront of consumers’ minds makes it harder to hide the disparities that occur every day. The disparities I see and feel all personally all the time.

It seems like a person of color is “accidentally” killed or negatively impacted every week by the hands of police officers and many of the masses try not to see it, or don’t want to acknowledge it, until its right in their face or it happens in their community.

With the easiest option of just turning off the TV or scrolling past the story; this ingenious marketing tactic to keep the plight of black and brown people top of mind cannot so easily be ignored or bypassed. This genuinely makes me happy for 2 reasons.

The first, because it’s a new ice cream flavor to try and I will surely treasure the experience, but secondly and even more importantly, is the message behind this confectionery goody.

As a man, a black man, in America and a member of the same homo sapiens species as every other race; I have to take as many opportunities to fight oppression, be it big or small. This one so happens to have a tasty reason to support and bring more awareness to a critically divisive issue that has constantly plagued this country.


Through my own personal and professional efforts, I continue to partner with local and national organizations to make a difference and I will also take this chance to support the Ben and Jerry’s, Colin Kaepernick collab. It’s a small step, but a step of support.

I hope others will join me in at least trying out the new ice cream, but if not, we can still find other ways to support the cause, as well as usher in a positive change, in not just The United States, but in the world.

When we do things differently, we can expect to see different results and if this is any indication of what the future may look like, then I must say it just might be pretty sweet. I may add the release date/month of the new flavor.



JD Longino, CPA